Thursday, December 27, 2012

Love and Death 3


The final chapter

Addy - I believe we already established some time ago that you have nothing to offer me.
Grim - I can return what you most love.
Addy - What? What did you just say? And more importantly, what do you mean?
Grim - You know what I said, and you know what I meant by it. I can give him back to you Adella. 
Addy - You lie.
Grim - I have never lied to you. I do not lie Adella.
Addy - No, when it first happened, when... when he died, I.... I BEGGED you to give me that deal and you said it wasn't possible but that is exactly what you are now offering me. You do lie.
Addy - You lie, you lie, you lie. Either you're lying now or you were then but you do lie Grim.
Grim - You are lucky you are so important Adella Lorissa, I do not take lightly to being talked to such. I do not lie, it is indeed impossible to do as you asked of me.
Adella - So you're lying now then? 
Grim - I told you that I could not restore your husband as he was because I had done so for you in an alternate time line and I can not make the same deal with the same person more than once.
Addy - As he was? That's the key isn't it? You can't make the same deal but...
Grim - But I can make a similar one. Exactly. 
Addy - Similar how? What will you do?
Grim - If you accept the deal his soul will be placed into a body that will have been recently vacated.
Addy - You mean someone who has just died, while the body is still alive? To anyone near them it would  seem simply as though they had been successfully revived.
Grim - Very good. But know this, refusing will not save that person, the soul's time has come, wither the body lives on is up to you Adella.
Grim - I will let you think about it. Twenty four hours Adella, and I will return for your answer. If you make your decision before then, call to me.  

Addy closes her eyes and opens them again on a beach in Bridgeport. Her beach, their beach
Addy - It worked. I've come home.
She looked around, but she was alone,so she looked up.
Addy - I need to talk to you. I know you said you wouldn't but, I don't know what to do.... Anthony, please, if you can hear me come to me
Addy - Baby please, I know you said you wouldn't and I know you told me to move on but you couldn't possibly have known he would offer this when you said that. Could you? Please, just tell me, is that still what you want? You told me to stop holding on to something that can no longer truly be, but now it can. Just tell me,mon amoure. Anthony, mon cheri, please. Je t'aime.

Addy - Dawnie.
Dawn - Hey, Addy, what's up?
Addy - I need to talk to you about something, something...major. Can you get out of the house? Wanna come over, or maybe we could go out?
Dawn - We can go out, god knows I need a break. Haven't been out of the house since the babies were born.
Addy - Yea, I know what you mean. I only just had my own set of triplets you know. I can leave them with the older kids for a while though. Where do you want to go? Oh, we could catch the ferry, go off island.
Addy - Dawnie, are you there? This is really  important. Like, impossibly important.
Dawn - I'm here. Sorry, Laura-Jayne was calling meGretel was crying. Yea, a ferry sounds like a nice idea.
Addy - Main land or one of the other islands?
Dawn - Haven't been to any of the other islands before.
Addy - Really, and you've lived her how long.
Dawn - Shut up. I've been busy, hard to get out when you have kids round 24/7.
Addy - I'm a challenge mom too. Okay, I know, let's go to the boardwalk on Reyes Island, no one will be there this time of day in the middle of the week.
Dawn - Great. Wanna meet at the ferry or your place.
Addy - Do you even know where the ferry is since you've apparently never used it?
Dawn - I'm not clueless, I'll meet you in 20.
Addy - Alright.
Addy - We're here. I know I went on about how important this was and then on the ferry talked about just random nonsense but, there were to many people, someone would think I'm crazy.
Dawn - What is it? What did you want to tell me that was so important?
Addy - Okay well, Grim, the Grim Reaper visited me last night. In person, he's come to me in visions before to tell me somethings but he wanted... he asked to be in my challenge.
Dawn - You're kidding?
Addy -   No not at all. But that's not the crazy part, I mean most people wouldn't find that crazy if they over heard cause Grim's done loads of challenges, even yours.
Dawn - Yeah, but why is him joining your challenge so important? He joined challenges before.
Addy - I said no. He said he expected that and was prepared.
Dawn - What do you mean prepared?
Addy - He offered me a deal.
Dawn - No way. You didn't accept did you? You have to be careful with Grim's deals.
Addy -  No, at least, not yet, but Dawnie, what he's offering me he said he could..."Return what I most love."
Dawn -  What do you love most that only Grim can give you?
Addy - Really Dawnie? Think about it.
Dawn's eyes widened and she dropped her voice to a whisper.
Dawn - Anthony?
Addy nodded.
Addy - Just for having Grim in my challenge. 
Dawn - Grim is sneaky.  Are you going to accept it?
Addy - I don't know Dawnie. Like you said, you have to be careful with Grim's deals, this one seems perfect but...I don't know. See, this is why I hesitated, why I didn't take the deal when he offered it. This and...well, did I ever tell you what happened when we were in Egypt, while I was out, my vision?
Dawn - I don't think so.
Addy - You told me you worried, cause I kept saying no...
Dawn - What did you see, Addy, in Egypt?
Addy - Exactly what I wanted to. I was successful in triggering my visions again and the vision was what I wanted. He came to me, talked to me but.... oh but Dawnie he couldn't of known Grim would offer me this when he said that, could he? ... He Dawnie he told me to move on. That's why I said no, that's why I cried, I saw the return of my visions as us being able to be together again in them and, and he told me to move on.
Dawn - Would the Grim have known that he said that to you? Would he bring back Anthony after he wanted you to move on?
Addy - I don't know Dawnie, god I feel like I don't know anything anymore. But it doesn't matter if Grim knew that Anthony said that. What matters to me is did Anthony know that grim would offer me this deal when he said that.
Dawn - That's something you'd have to ask yourself, Addy. Is there a chance you can ask Anthony? Use your visions.
Addy - I tried. After Grim left last night, I went to bed and, I can control them again like he did when I was little and I tried to make him come to me so I could ask him if that is still what he wants, and he didn't and that may be my answer and I just can't except it.
 Dawn - So what will you do then? Accept Grim's offer?
Addy - I don't know. What do you think I should do? I need advice.
Dawn -  I can't tell you what to do, Addy. Only you can decided if you want to take Grim's deal.
Addy - I'm not asking you to tell me what to do, just advice? What would you do? In my position?
Dawn - Honestly, I don't know what I would do. I would want the love of my life back more then anything, but if he's gone then he's gone. 
Addy - It seems a little hard to trust, for Grim to give me so much just to be in my challenge. Why is my challenge such a big deal? He joins challenges all the time, and there are plenty that he hasn't joined, if he just wants another child now why not someone else? 
Dawn - Who knows. Next time you see him try asking before giving him an answer.
Addy -  Alright, I will. I don't want to think about it anymore. Let...let's just enjoy the boardwalk.

 Arriving home that night Addy waited for Grim to appear.
Grim - Have you made your decision?
Addy - I think so, but first I want you to answer me something?
Grim - Yes?
Addy - Why me? You've joined challenges before, if you just wanted another child you would have accepted my answer when I said no. Why would you give me so much, just to be in my challenge? I mean, Dawn suggested it might be because of my abilities but I'm not the only challenge mom with mental gifts. So why me?
Grim - Your friend was correct, though other challenge mothers do have mental gifts, some of them stronger than you even , none of them have your gifts.  Only you, Adella, have an affinity towards death.
Addy - That's what makes me important, isn't it? You've always talked about my importance to the balance or the universe or the balance of the universe or what ever it is you've said. Even saved once, you sent my the vision of the cure that first time in Egypt. It's because of this isn't it? It's not really me that's important, it's the child we'd have if I accept.
Grim - Yes. Now, your decision. Do you accept my offer or not?
Addy - Yes, I do.
Grim - Than give me your hand and I will go. 
An image, a vision of a young man appeared as they touched.
Addy - that him, who he's going to be?
Grim - Yes.
Grim -  His name is Brandon Jefferson, he lives in Crystalline Cove and he is to die.


Well my lovelies it's been fun and 
so ends thus ends Addy's challenge. Not to worry though, the challenge my be done but the story is not. Adella's story will continue in My Very Not Perfect Life which will be coming soon but until then I will be taking a brake from Addy to work on other stories. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Love and Death prt2

The memories continued to flow through her head , all the biggest moments in her relationship with Logan. That first night that started it all, when he said he loved her, when she said it back, Halloween, him finding her heart pendant necklace, and so many more. It was a while, but she realized something, and for the first time in her adult life she took control of a vision.
Addy - It's not real, is it?
Grim - No.
 Addy - How long? How much of what I remember has been vision, dream? What's real? What about my children with him?
Grim - Your children exist, but they were for your challenge, nothing more. Everything else you saw, everything with all of your other children was real. The goings on in your life were incorporated in the vision. 
Addy - Why? Why did you show me this?
Grim -  I didn't.
Addy - Than why are you here?
 Grim - I have other business with you, but that can wait.
Addy - I know that every one of my visions has a purpose, why this?
Grim - To show you that's possible. I believe he sent it to show you you could move on.
Addy - That explains it, some of the things he said, didn't seem like something Logan would say, the real Logan. It was to cause me the proper emotional response. Throwing me in the pool though, that's something he would do.
Grim - That part actually happened.
Addy - Haha, of course it did.
Addy headed out, deciding to head for a club or bar, the kids were all in school and she needed to unwind as well as to process the revelation that her relationship with Logan had been mere vision.
As she walked into Varg's Tavern she was not thinking of the purpose of that vision, trying to think instead of her challenge, she had planned to stop at twenty five children but now had twenty six, twenty seven if you were to count Adele, her eldest child with Logan. Of course Adele counted as her child but she was not raising her, Logan was, and so did not count for her challenge, though if ever asked how many children she had or the names of them all she would include Adele, her lovely fairy princess.
 The place seemed relatively empty when she got there, the only other person a young man with dark red hair, not unlike her own natural shade, and a lit cigarette in his hand, seemingly lost in thought about something or otherShe settled into a seat down the bar from him and looked up at a menu of drinks and bar foods.
Unintentionally Addy let out a cough and the man looked up, noticing her for the first time. Addy was surprised to see, not only was his hair like her own natural color, his eyes were a near if not identical shade of green and he had an even splattering of freckles across his face and visible body.
Man - Oh, um, sorry, do you mind?
Addy - No, it's fine.
Man - I can put it out.
Addy - I said it's fine.
Addy - As a matter of fact...
She got up, walked over and sat next to him.

Addy - Nice ink...Adrian.
The man, Adrian looked at her more closely for a moment before registering where he knew her from.
Adrian - Addy, right? Woodrow?
Addy - Yea, 'cept now I go by Adella McKnight.
Adrian - Married?
Addy -  ....Not anymore.
He takes a long drag off his cigarette before put it out.
Adrian - I'm sorry.
Though her statement could be taken a number of ways her tone made it clear.
Addy - Don't be, it's alright.
 Adrian - No, it's not.
Addy - Alexandra....was she ....?
Adrian - Fiancee, I think.... and my high school sweetheart.
Addy - You think?
Adrian - She always liked to keep me waiting, I asked, but I never got my answer.
Addy - Oh... How... If you don't
Adrian - Robbery, went bad, she was a fighter. What, um...
Addy -  What about me? Is that what you're trying to say?
Adrian - If you don't mind me asking.
Addy - No I don't. Anthony, my husband, was shot. I had gone out through the back door of the theater into the alley behind it while he was packing up and saying his goodbyes to Shelly and the rest of the band, he was a musician you see, and this man came up and tried to attack me. Anthony came out and got him away from me but... but when he turned to check on me the man pulled out a gun.
Adrian - I'm sorry. 
Addy - Can we talk about something else? Are you here alone?
Adrian - No, I'm visiting from out of town with my friend Felicia, Felicia Kane, I don't know if you'd remember her.
Addy - No.
Adrian - She's on the phone with her boyfriend I believe. It's funny, they used to hate each other.
Addy - Oh? Did they, or did you just think they did?
Adrian - No, they could not stand each other, did not get alone, what so ever. Until this one night, you see, as much as they couldn't stand each other they had some friends in common, myself included and one of our friend had a party and they both came. 
Alexandra even convinced them to be somewhat civil with each other, not ruin everybody's fun. We played spin the bottle and when Felicia went she landed on him.
She stood up, but if she didn't want something to happen it meant he did, was suborn and cocky, still is, and so he she wanted to walk away rather than kiss him he wasn't going to let that happen. He got up and grabbed her.
She tried to get away at first but then she melted into the kiss and even ended up pulling him closer.
Adrian - After a moment they pulled away and both sat back down and acted like it was nothing, but like an hour later we found them making out in the other room. They've been together ever since.
Addy - Hahahaha.
Felicia - Miss me?
Adrian - Yes, Felicia, I missed you, that's why I was just talking about you
Felicia - Whose your friend?
Addy - I'm Adella, I actually went to the same school as you two, back in Bridgeport. Addy Woodrow.
 Felicia - Name kind of rings a bell, but I don't really remember you, sorry.
Addy - Don't be, I didn't remember you either, it was a big school, a lot of people didn't know each other, I only knew about Adrian because people used to say we look a lot alike. My hair is actually red like his.
Felicia - Oh, wow I guess you do, don't you?
Addy - So what have you been doing with your life?
Adrian - I had a few jobs over the years until after what happened to Alexandra, I decided to become a cop. I  just graduated from the academy  last month. So, what about you?
Addy - I'm a 100 Baby Challenge mother.
Adrian - I think I've heard of that. But you were married, how did that work?
Addy - They were all his, though I have had more since, for my challenge, but back then....
 Adrian - I see. Are you still doing this challenge then?
Addy - Why ? Are you asking to join
He leaned in, bring his lips almost to hers and whispered.
Adrian - If you'll have me.
Addy - Yes...

Anna walked down the steps to the front door and rang the bell.
 A tall and beautiful woman with pink blonde hair answered.
Anna - I, um, I'm not sure I'm in the right place... I'm looking for my sister, Alissa.
Woman - No, you're in the right place.
Anna - Oh, so then you must be Toni.
Toni - Mhmm, I'm the girlfriend. Lissy's just out back.
Anna - Thanks, I'm Anna by the way.
Anna - Alissa.
Alissa - Anna, what are you doing here?
 Anna - I need your help, or well, more like advice I guess, or, I don't know. I mean I could have gone to Mason or Matthew, cause they're kinda their own triangle situation but it's not the same because they both like the same person, Audrey, while I'm more like her, I'm just so torn and I can't talk to Audrey, I don't like Audrey, she dates Mason and says she likes him and she's going to chose him and only goes out with Matthew to be fair and then says she doesn't know who she wants anymore, and
Alissa - Whoa, whoa, Anna, sweetie slow down. Breath.
Anna - Sorry.
Alissa - Let's go in side and sit down and then you can start over, okay?
Anna - Okay.

Alissa heads inside and take a seat next to her girlfriend.
 Alissa - Alright, now start from the begin and Anna, maybe a little slower this time as well. What's this all about?
Anna - I'm torn, between two people, and they're both best friends. Andrew and I have always had something, it was just somewhat of a given that we would get together, and we kinda did , I mean, we kissed a few times and stuff. I just always assumed we'd end up together but then when Kelsey kissed me....
Anna pauses, blushing.
Alissa - Kelsey? So that's why you came to me about it?
Anna - Sorry?
Alissa - No, I understand, go on.
Anna - Well, I found out Julian like's Kelsey and I went to her place to tell her, as well as to just hang out.

Kelsey - Julian? He, um,  he's not, exactly, my type.
Anna - Not your type? What's that supposed to mean? What the hell Kels? Is my brother not good enough for you or something?
Anna - Julian is sweet and funny and cute and smart and you would be lucky to have him.
Kelsey -  Anna, that's not what I'm saying. You're right, Julian's great, he's just.
Anna - Not your type. So you've said.So what is your type then Kels?
Kelsey - It not that, it's just, he's , he's not...

Anna sank down, sitting on the edge of Kelsey's bed.
Anna - Not what Kelsey. What am I missing, is it someone. But, I'm your best friend, if you liked someone, I would know about it. Wouldn't I? Talk to me Kels.
Not looking Anna felt the wait on the bed as Kelsey sat next to her, letting out a sigh.
Kelsey - He's not you.
Before she had time to react Kelsey had brought her lips to meet Anna's own.
As Anna got over her shock, to Kelsey's surprise, she did not pull away but rather ended up pulling Kelsey closer.
Anna leaned back, pulling Kelsey with her, fully kissing her in return.

Anna -  I kissed her back and I, actually, kinda, really, liked it and after neither of us knew what to say or anything and left and I now I don't know what to do. I think I, I might like her, but I also still really like Andrew but, I've kissed him before and... and it was nothing like that. I just don't know what to do, they're both my best friends and I couldn't bare the thought of hurting either of them. Plus there's the fact that Julain likes Kelsey and not to mention the whole thing with our mothers.
Alissa - Mothers? 
Anna - Yeah.. see, Kelsey is, Kelsey Oliver, she's Lidia Oliver's daughter.
 Alissa - Oh, really now? That... woman, has a daughter? Cazzo cagna. 
Anna - Alissa!! 
Toni - What did she say? 
Anna - Please, help me figure out what to do. And don't just say to pick Andrew because you share our mother's issues with Ms. Oliver.

Addy had three children from Adrian.
Dawn, named after her best friend and fellow challenge mother, Dawn Turner.
Ashby, named after good friend and fellow challenge mom Ashby Lemi.
Becks, named after another good friend and fellow challenge mom Becks Best. Becks has purple and black hair from Addy's grandfather Peter and the deep blue eyes of her grandmother Alissa.

After putting the girls to bed Addy was heading that way herself when she felt a chill and a presence that was unfortunately all to familiar.
Turning around she saw him.
Grim - Hello Adella.
Addy - Grim, what are you doing here?
Grim - I told you the last time we spoke that I still had business with you.
Addy - Who is it? Who else am I going to lose. That's the only reason you come to me.
Grim - That is not why I am here. If you remember the last time we spoke I had said my business with you could wait. If all I intended to do was inform you of a death I would have told you then. And I also would appear to you in vision as I always do, rather than in person.
Addy - Alright, what is it then? 

Grim - I have come because I wish to join your challenge.
Addy - What?
Addy - No way, no, I'm done with my challenge, I can't do it anymore, I just can't, and if I were I still wouldn't have you. Not with all you've taken from me.
Grim - Yes, I figured you would say something to that affect.
Grim - That is why I am prepared to offer you a deal.
Addy - I believe we already established some time ago that you have nothing to offer me.
Grim - I can return what you most love.